Sweet Baby James

May 24, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Sweet Baby James

No, not the needle purse I finished last week! But my new nephew. It was quite a busy week. But between working and replacing the brakes on my car, DH and I managed stopped by his sister’s on Saturday to meet the new kid in the family. I even got to hold him! And I have proof…and I have a cute picture of mommy and baby…While we were at DSIL’s, I was admiring her roses, when DH told me that mine were blooming! Well, that just goes to show how out of it I’ve been this past week. So, I had to take a picture of my cute new roses! DH planted this for me this year. The other rose bush has buds on it and they should be opening this week!I forgot to add the Stitcher’s Five…Finishing:1. How many have you framed on the wall?
I have two on the wall (TW’s Above the Clouds and Stretch). And this is just my wall, I’m not counting gifts I’ve stitched.2. How many do you have finished in other ways?
I have two framed and on the book shelf (Larnate’s Little Sheep and a rose from a greeting card kit) and I have the little motif on DH’s stocking (Enchanting Lair dragon from the Celebrations of Stitch book). Again, just stuff in my house.
3. What was the most expenisve finishing?
I’ve only had one piece professional framed, TW’s Wedding Sampler. So, by default that would be the most expensive.4. Have you finished anything yourself?
Yup, I framed everything myself except for the wedding sampler.5. Describe your favourite finished piece.
Well, I think the way I framed TW’s Heart Sampler was pretty cool. The frame I picked (at Joann’s) had a 3-d effect for the matts. I’m also proud of my mini Monet and the way the framing came out for that.—–

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