Why don’t people like me?
May 5, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Why don’t people like me?Okay, warning… I’m feeling very down.I just found out that one of the guys who is being sent overseas for a year as part of our current program at work is having a going away party. I also found out that invitations arrived over the weekend… and it should also be noted that I didn’t get one. And will I be getting one, at this point I’m thinking probably not. And why is that? I have no idea. I thought people at work liked me. I’ve had a couple of people say they want me working on their next program. I’m not a super genius, so I thought it was a combintation of being a good worker and a nice person. I get along with people and I thought people liked me. But now I’m getting the impression that no, people don’t actually like me. What have I done? Nothing as far as I can tell. It should also be noted that the co-worker who I hung around the most with on this program (who is now on another program) was invited. And to be perfectly honest, he is more… ah well, he is the type of person that some people have problems with. Sure my invite could be honestly in the mail. But it doesn’t take an extra two days for mail to go half an hour down the road. So, now I’m sitting here getting blue. And it doesn’t help that I feel like most people on line either don’t like me or could care less about me. On the BB I’m part of… okay maybe that is the problem. I don’t post a huge amount, but I’ve been around since the summer of 2000. But when they have these topics of what reminds you of other people on the BB, I’m never mentioned (could be easy… satellites = Jenni)… or people you remember when you first started posting. Oh and if you actual are reading this (I swear some times that my readership consists of two people, Sue and me), I’ll tell you my definition of the despised “in-crowd”. For those not in the know, see Whiz’s posts about it a couple of months back. But just a quickie: the work despised refers to the reference of an in-crowd and not the actual set of people. But to me, the “in-crowd” are the people that get remembered for some reason. Not sure why they are more memorable… personality, number of posts, just a general niceness. But they are the ones they repeatedly get mentioned in the “where are they”, “I first remember…”, and “
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