Weekend Activities
May 10, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Weekend ActivitiesI forgot to say something about everything I did this weekend. Friday night, I finished one of my small WIPs, Indigo Rose’s Sweet Baby James Needle Purse. I’ll have to get a picture of it to post tomorrow.Saturday, I weeded (translate into “took a pick axe to the monstrous weeds in the garden”) a quarter of the garden and planted my tomatoes. I always go over board with tomatoes and end up feeding more to the wildlife than to the family. I have 6 regular plants and 6 cherries. Then that evening, I started 2 oboe reeds. I tied two blanks and got about halfway finished one. I also took about 36″ of undyed roving and split it up into quarter/eighths and spun some yarn on my new drop spindle. The first half I did quarters and the second half I did eighths for a total of 6 lengths. I definitely liked how the singles came out when it was only eighths. I think I’m getting the general idea down. It really helps to read the book (I got the book High Whorling at MdSW).Then on Sunday I finished one of the oboe reeds. While it isn’t really playable except to scare the cat, I did learn some good things. I actually paid more attention to the book (should the title here be “Jenni learns to follow the directions”?) and thinned the tip until I got a “crow”. Here is a link to a website I just found on oboe reed making. I think the second reed will turn out better, it doesn’t leak on the sides. So, I’ve now made a total of 4 reeds to date! And not one is playable. That is okay, I’ve read that you need to make a small basketful before you get a playable one. And that is probably doubly true for people like me that are trying to learn from a book!
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