
April 19, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Tulips!

My tulips have been threatening to bloom for a while now. So, when I walked out this morning, I really wasn’t expecting this:I have about six tulips bloom, some are red, some are yellow, and I had the two above.Yesterday, I stopped by Dancing Leaf Farm during their open house. I was in search of a drop spindle and some dyed roving. Since she hasn’t sheared yet this season she only had one dark purple roving left from last season. She also doesn’t sell drop spindles anymore, only spinning wheels. I attempted to make a CD one from instruction I found on line. I definitely need a real one.But I did manage to make a tiny bit of yarn before I got too frustrated to even look at it any more:So, I spend the rest of the evening working on the band RR I’m in (I did the bottom five bands)…

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