
April 24, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Stash!

I took yesterday afternoon off to go shopping with Sue and Cathy. Cathy had a dentist appointment that morning so she took the entire day off. So, we took Cathy to the Hang Up so she could get the rest of her stuff for the flag she is working on (you know the small canvaswork one with lots and lots of specialty fibers!). So, while there since I had just picked up my paycheck and it was the first one with my raise (and some overtime). I decided that if I saw something I liked, I would get it. Sue and I both were drolling over Cross My Heart’s Eye of the Tiger, but she snagged it first. And we both pretty much saw this one about the same time. But I declared it was mine so I present… Textured Treasure’s Beauty and Peace:Butterfly update: 66/103So, in case it isn’t obvious, I’m getting a drop spindle next weekend at the MD Sheep and Wool Festival. So, I’ve had yarn on the brain… and sheep (hey Sue, can that little lamb over there fit in the back of your Wrangler? hmmm… maybe we should take my RAV4 instead) and roving and all the cool stuff I’m learning so I can know what I’m doing when I get a good spindle. So, when the groomer walked out with Pushkin yesterday, there was a big pile of fluff on his carrier. First thought… does she want me to spin that? Well, no. She just wanted to show me all the huge mats my poor kitty was living with.

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