Stitcher’s Five

April 26, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Stitcher’s Five

1. Which do you prefer, Kits or Charts?
2. Why?
Like most people, I buy designs and it could take a couple of years before I ever get to stitching them. I would rather buy just the chart so I can buy more designs instead of buying only a few kits.
3. How do you organise your materials before you stitch?
I don’t kit up a design until I’m ready to stitch. So, once I’m ready, I make sure I have all the materials I need. I collect everything into a bobbin box, cut my fabric, make working copies and start.
4. Do you do anything to the sides of your fabric before starting?
It depends on the size of the project. If it is a small project, no I don’t do anything. I just let it fray. If it is a large project that will take years, then I’ll use my mom’s machine and zig-zag the edges. My machine is too old to zig-zag.
5. What do you do with the leftovers when your done?
If the leftovers are from a kit, then they generally get tossed. If the leftovers were from a design I kitted myself, then they go back to general storage (floss chest).

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