Flowers! and yet more pictures…
April 6, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Flowers! and yet more pictures…I came home yesterday to a blooming flower… or maybe it was a weed I thought in my sleepy hazy. Today I looked again. And Yes! It is a flower. It is actually one of the tiny Puschkinia that my sister gave me for my birthday in the fall. She thought it was a neat name since my cat’s name is Pushkin. And they are actually cute little flowers. Don’t let the big picture fool you, the entire thing is less than 4 inches tall.And I have three anemones blooming also… Or at least I think that is what these are. I know I planted some (again a present from my sister).And of course how I can forget to post a picture of the new neighbors in the north field… as seen from my front porch!
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