Stitcher’s Five

April 16, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Stitcher’s Five

Favourite Themes:1. What is your favourite theme to stitch (i.e. primitive, fantasy, samplers, etc)


2. Has this always been your favourite theme (i.e as your tastes change)?

I’ve loved fantasy since College. Since stitching, yes it has been my favorite. But I do like more than just fantasy now, but they haven’t over taken the fantasy as favorite yet.

3. How many WIPs/UFOS do you have currently in this theme?

I have two WIPs/UFOs that fall into the fantasy theme.

4. And how many finished?

I have finished… seven things… if you also count angels as fantasy.

5. Name three favourite designs in your overall favourite theme.

Of my WIPs/UFOs and finished pieces, I’d say Spring Valley is my favorite with Storyteller coming in second. I think Dragon Dream’s dragons are just too cute, but I had to pick just one… maybe Dragon Tea Party. I have most of the designs that I like, and I probably have some really cool ones in my stash that I’m forgetting.

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