Happy Easter!

April 11, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Happy Easter!

Not much happening here, we are heading to the in-laws in about an hour. We won’t be able to make it to my family this year since Scott made plans with his family thinking I was going to be still working. But since the test ended early/on time (when does that ever happen!) I get to join him. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to do both a 3pm dinner with his family and a 4 pm dinner with mine. Oh well, maybe next year.I took lots of pictures this morning. But since it is kind of rainy out with not much sun, I was getting a really low shutter speed and ended up with a bunch of fuzzy pictures. I tried my best to get good ones, so here they are:First up, is this a weed or a plant? I don’t think I planted it, yet it is really pretty. Anyone know what this is?Next up, is an update on Night’s Flight which I should have taken a while back (haven’t worked on it since Annette was in town).And finally some knitting. I spend yesterday making my first critter blanket for the critter knitalong.
And this weekend, I started the front of the butterfly pillow. I first started out without bobbin and got a big ole rats nest, so then I started bobbinating the yarn and it was much better. But can you believe that I had one less than I truly needed? This is my first attempt at intarsia.

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