Ding Dong the witch is dead…

April 9, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Ding Dong the witch is dead…

I’ve been humming this for the past week since I started listening to Wicked: the life and times of the Wicked Witch of the West in the car on the way to and from work.But any hoo… I’m in a good mood. Yes, it is 3 am and I’ve been at work for an hour already… and I’ve had only one day off in the past three week, with mostly twelve hour days in the past two weeks… But the test is almost ever and it has gone extremely well! Not only did we make schedule (which is almost unheard of), but the thermal balance came out very close to predicted which will make the model correlation much easier! And the best news of all, I get Easter off! And a full weekend before I have to head back to my office to start correlating. Yeah!I’m still slugging away on my Mrytle Beach piece. I haven’t been stitching all that much at work. But considering that I’ve stitch at least a couple of hours each day, it is hard to believe that I only started this last week. It seems so long ago. But I think I can say that I’m half way done. I have the sand castle and the right dragon finished (except for the rayon). So, I just have the left dragon and the sand around the two dragons to finished up. I haven’t back stitched anything yet and I should probably start that before I reach the end, but it is a small piece so I probably won’t go crazy if I do decide to wait until the end.

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