Yeah Its Friday!

March 19, 2004 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Yeah Its Friday!

We picked up the truck this morning! Yeah! Wahoo! Wheee! And I drove my Rav4 to work today! I’m so glad to have it back. I have to get readjusted to it again after driving an automatic Wrangler for more than 2 weeks. I coasted to a stop when we went to get the truck… and I forgot to push in the clutch, so I stalled out… oops. I also have to get used to my super-duper brakes. You just think about touching the brake petal and you come to a screeching halt. And my DH said I had squishy brakes… nope, not my car, I have the exact opposite of squishy. But Moby the big white truck is back with us. DH’s initial comment, “It reminds me of the time we went to the Ford dealership and test drove the trucks on the lot.” That sounds very good to me!So, I’m starting to freak out about all the obligation items I have on my plate right now. I’m making a knitted butterfly pillow for my niece’s birthday at the end of April. I’m doing Noah’s Ark for my SIL’s newest due in May. I’ve promised my sister a sign for my mom’s pond. My sister is an elementary school teacher and is video taping mom’s pond once a month so the kids can follow the life of the pond. In the next couple of months the tadpoles will show up. I’m thinking about making painted stained glass churchs as a fund raiser for a house building trip to Honduras that I might go on in August. And then the real estate market is picking back up since it is almost spring, so that means more houses for mom’s company with possible two house closings in April. Those are the things that are currently on my plate. And this doesn’t even include the piece my sister wants me to make for her family room… and my mom wants me to do something else but isn’t sure what yet. I guess it is a good thing that the current band season will end in the middle of April. That will give me my Tuesdays back again for a bit to get stuff done!

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