March Goals
March 10, 2004 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on March GoalsSince I already outlined some goals on the TWBB Rotation board, I’ve decided to add them here to better keep track of them. I saw that on Karen’s board and like it.I’m already 1/4 the way done with my animal goal. I finished up the bunnies on Sunday. I returned the playboy bunnies that came with the Noah’s Ark kit. The company send me some Watership Down bunnies as a replacement. Now I won’t have to worry about my ark being over run with bunnies.Work has been really busy lately and I’ve had a chance to stitch twice in the past week and a half. Once was at the weekly Thursday stitching night and the other time was Sunday. I don’t see things getting much better until May when work is less crazy. But of course that doesn’t stop me from starting or buying new things. I started a knit butterfly pillow for my neice’s birthday at the end of April and I have on order the remaining things I need for my beaded Chinese dragon. I started the pillow on Sunday and I’m already more than 1/3 finished the back (or about 1/6 finished the entire thing).I really need to get some updated photos taken. Once my new Photoshop arrives (yeah, I’m getting an upgrade!) I’ll be able to resize and edit my photos once again. I was using free software that came with my new computer and the previous version of Photoshop that I have keeps crashing on me. But as an update, I have the entire back of Gatsby done and I started the first sleeve. I think that and the bunnies are the major things I need to update.
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