
March 11, 2004 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Tivo!

Tivo is a wonderful thing! We got one for Christmas a couple of months ago. DH is always wanting to try one of Alton Brown’s (from Good Eats on Food TV) recipes so I don’t cook nearly as much as I used to! While that is great sometimes, on Monday his experiment didn’t quite turn out and we ended up with just bisquits for dinner. But his cooking experiments on a whole are a lot more successful these days. I usually cooked most of the time in self-defense. It sometimes takes him a bunch of tries before he gets something right. We had a year of horrible pies until he found success. Right now we are probably in year 3 or 4 of the pizza crust crusade. Last night was one of his more successful experiments. We has shrimp cocktail for dinner! And guess what I’m having for lunch!I guess in the next week or so as our anniversary approaches I’m probably going to go all sappy and profess how great and wonderful my DH is… I mean even my grandma knows. She told him that if I ever don’t treat him right to give her a call and she will set me straight. Of course this was after she heard that my Dh does most of the cleaning and was in the process of making lunch for us (BBQ). So, it is still up in the air if she really meant that DH is great and wonderful and I’d be stupid to mess it up or if she meant I’m a slacking wife who doesn’t know her place. For now we are putting the more positive spin on it. All she sees is him giving, giving, giving, and me taking, taking, taking. Of course she didn’t see me switch cars with DH so I could get new tires installed on his truck. Or the fact that I’ve been driving my friends Wrangler for the past week and letting DH drive my car (I have him the choice of cars) because DH’s truck is in the shop.

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