Answering questions…
February 18, 2004 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Answering questions…Yeah! I got two comments to my last post. Since I don’t have a lot to talk about… unless you want to hear about my trials with IS and how my computer upgrade was really a downgrade … So, I thought I’d answer Lynn’s question about how I do my borders on a TW. Oh and you can also buy the light wedge from Levenger. That one comes with a cool carrying case that I wish I had. I’ll just have to sew myself up a neat one.Anyhoo… Lynn’s question:
Hey Jenni. I really wanted to know about your noahs ark. I can see that you have 9 /////// then 2 X. Is this similar to Woo’s counting method? I do 9/// then 1X. How does yours work? curious minds and allYes, my method is similar to woo’s (big W for the kitty, little w for the username). But when I tried it I kept forgetting if the grid line (every 10 stitches) was on the right or left of the full X. So, for my slightly modified method I stitch a full X on either side of the grid line with 8 / in between. This trick and outlining the border first thing have been two of the best things I’ve learn for doing a TW design.Oh and Whiz (yeah! the great and wonderful Whiz left a comment!), I think you really need the paperback version
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