Elsebeth Lavold…

February 5, 2004 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Elsebeth Lavold…

Have you seen her newest book, Viking Knits Collection? I saw a couple of the designs from it in the fall Patternworks catalog. I’ve been wanting to do Liv since I saw it in the catalog. Well, I finally broke down and bought it. I also wanted to get some no 10 Birch needles since I’m fighting with the metal ones that DH’s scarf is on. And I decided to buy it from with a small wool shop in VA called Carodan Farm Wool Shop. Wendy Knits! mentioned them while back and I’ve had them bookmarked since then.Yoga was good last night. I can tell that she is stepping up the difficulty of the class (good thing otherwise I’d have been bored out of my gourd!). I’ve done most of the things she is teaching, but every now and then there is something new. I also like the pace. I took yoga for a bit from a health club I belonged to and they just kind of threw it all at you at once. I like this slow process because it makes sure that you know the basics and that you are truly ready for the next level before showing it to you.

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