Updates and thoughts

January 23, 2004 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Updates and thoughts

I updated my Finished Projects page to include more scans that I had on the archive CD I made from my old computer (and it was the very first CD I burned too). I put more than twenty finished cross stitch scans up. And… I finished my scarf! I’ve been working on it at lunch for a while now… but I hunkered down this week and got it finished today. I figured if I could knit the DNA scarf in just over a week why should this one taking so long… the reason was that I would only work on it for 5 minutes at a time. I used Red Heart Light and Lofty in Wine paired with Gedifra Techno hair in black. It is just a garter stitch scarf. It didn’t need anything fancy with the eyelash yarn.Thoughts on exercise… I’m trying to get back into shape since we left kung fu in the summer. The main reason we left when we did was because DH was unemployed and after three months with no interviews we were taking the next step in cutting back expenses. The reasons why I didn’t go back after he got his new job in October are different. So, in an attempt to get back into shape I started to take exercise classes at work (they have a little deal where they bring in an aerobics instructor twice a week). I’m doing well, I feel the burn when I’m in class… but I don’t feel sore after. Sure, after the first week I felt a very slight twinge a day or so after, but not any more and I’m only on my third week. So, does this just mean I’m keeping myself hydrated and stretched enough, that I’m in pretty decent shape, or that I’m really not pushing myself hard enough?Last fall a Shaolin monk came to kung fu and we had a weekend seminar. I had been doing kung fu for about 6 months at that time and had just gotten my white belt the month before and I was told afterwards that the seminar was about a green belt level. While we were there I felt okay. I didn’t really feel the burn. But that night… man did I feel it. And then the next day we had to repeat it… that was hard. I could barely do squats or walk stairs or sit down… but I didn’t feel the burn during the seminar the same way I am in aerobics. I kind of want to feel sore afterwards so know that I’m really building some work.

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