And now back to your regularly schedule life…
January 28, 2004 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on And now back to your regularly schedule life…I think the weather has stopped all its nastiness… at least until Friday I hear. But it has stopped enough that the roads are now all clear and things are no longer being canceled. That means… I have yoga tonight!Band was canceled last night. And a good decision too. The roads were pretty horrible when I left work last night. So, I spent the evening at home with my DH. I made some chocolate ice cream. I tired to put in marshmellow but that jet puff stuff doesn’t work so well when it is cold. Not sure what I was thinking there… I prefer the mini marshmellows any way. I’ll chalk it up to being sick. Yeah, that’s the ticket.I made some progress on Noah’s Ark. I’m having a hard time getting back into the ark. I’m thinking that maybe a week just isn’t enough time for me. But I have to get the Ark finish this year, preferably before my SIL has the baby. The last birth announcement was six months late, so if I follow the same trend I really have until November! I finished up the koala’s. I just needed to backstitch and add the name. Maybe that was why I didn’t want to come back. This was my first backstitching on the animals. The only other animal I did was the panda’s for a RR and that was on dark 32 count fabric. The lighter 28 count really made it better. I let my DH pick the next animal on the bottom border and he choose the Rhino, so now I’m in Rhino-land. Next scan won’t be until Sunday… sorry no pretty pictures to share.
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