Night Flight Progress

January 9, 2004 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Night Flight Progress

I made a lot of progress last night at my friends. It seemed really quiet when her twins were put down to bed. Also, one of our stitching friends wasn’t there since she was on vacation. But I got most of section 1 finished. I’m going to finish that up tonight and then move on to another project. I’m in a frog round robin and I need to finish the next frog and get it mailed out early next week. Then I’ll be finished and will just have to await for my RR to come home.I was very good this week and managed to exercise three times. I did the aerobics class at work on Monday and Thursday and I had yoga on Wednesday. If I continue this (and I will!) and stitck with the Atkins I’ll reach my goal in no time! (I just want to lose about 13 pounds). I made sure to drink lots of water before class last night and I felt great! I liked the music that he played. I had heard from a co-worker that she really like the sister better, and the brother taught last night. But I didn’t have any problems. Sure he might like push-ups more and yoga less, but with my martial arts background, I don’t mind push-ups. We did a bunch of squats and I fond memories of sitting in mabu for five minutes… ah the days of kung fu. I miss it some times, but I don’t like the direction the school is heading, so I won’t be going back to that particular school. Maybe in a couple of years I’ll find another kung fu school to try out. But for now I want to recover from some things that happened before I put my trust in another school.

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