Back to work today…

January 5, 2004 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Back to work today…

And what do I find out today… that the sales rep for a subcontract I’m working on has left… and he was the only person in the company that spoke English… and he has only been there since March when the last sales rep left (something about not liking the practice of lying to customers… or so the rumors go). Umm… doesn’t sound like a good thing. We were thinking we were close to the end of this contract (it was supposed to end 4 months ago) but with a new sales rep… who knows if this will ever end.Have you ever given a cat pills? That has been my morning for the past couple of days. Pushkin went to the dentist on Friday for a cleaning and came home with a 21 day supply of pills. I tried using the pill popper they gave me, but in the end I just held Pushkin while DH opened the jaws and popped the pill in. Another 18 days of this fun to look forward to. DH thinks I’m going to be doing this by myself because he says, “It’s your cat.” It is my cat when it comes to vet stuff and his cat when it come to feeding and pooping. Since the pills fall into the vet catagory, I’m supposed to struggle with this by myself… I don’t think so. But in general I don’t have a problem with the division of cat duties. I’ll trade going to the vet for scooping poop anyday.I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, but I do make a conscious list of things I’d like to improve this year. Number 1 is my health… gotta get healthier. So, I’m starting yoga this week and I’m thinking of doing the twice a week exercise class at work. And I’m gonna continue with the low carb thing. Before the holidays I had lost almost 8 pounds (but I gained back 3)… and that is almost 1/2 of my goal. Another goal and this one I tried to do last year and wasn’t that succesful… post more to people HD’s on the TWBB. I like it when people say good job and I really want to try and do that more for other people. But I tend to get into the mood that no one really cares what I say so why bother. A corollary to that is to post more to people’s blog. I’ve only posted comments on two blogs. I really appreciate the comments people leave me and I want to let people know I’m reading their blogs.Plans for tonight… maybe check out the exercise class at work and then head home and finish up the outline on Night Flight. That shouldn’t take that long. I would love to start working on the color, but I’m still not sure how to do Watercolour managment yet. I was thinking those floss away bags. I also have to get working on TW’s Noah’s Ark. My SIL’s baby is due late May and I don’t want to be six months late on this one like I was on the last one I did for her.

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