Happy New Year!
January 2, 2004 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Happy New Year!Yesterday was Christmas Wave 2 and I can now post the rest of the stuff I made.
- 5 handmade catnip toys
- Cross stitched cat in cage
- Cross stitched Monet
- 2 painted stained glass pieces:
And I received a homemade pillow from my ten year old neice, a homemade paperback bookcover using the fabric remants from my wedding, and a very moving poem written by my sister.The poem reads:”In front of the ocean
They stand as a pair
Two lovers state their love
And express how much they careThey dreamed of their wedding
Thought of every little detail
They made their fantasy come true
Nothing would make their day failJenni and Scott picked Hawaii
A beautiful place it’s true
A fantasy honeymoon would take place
There was nothing they couldn’t doThe blue skies lasted forever
And your love will stay that way
Remember to smile at each other
And use laughter every day”And to end… a picture of my sister and her littlest, the striped ones!
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