Look Santa stopped by!

December 18, 2003 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Look Santa stopped by!

I now have two big packages under the tree with my name on them. DH helped me carry the packages from UPS into the house and then proceeded to wrap them… gee wonder what I’m getting ;-)I had a long but successful lunch yesterday. AC Moore had the frame but not the needles. I bought another skein of yarn just incase I didn’t have enough. I feel much better now about not running out before I’m done the DNA scarf. I stopped by Capital Yarns on my way back to work (it was on the way honest!) and I was good and only bought knitting needles… they didn’t have the Viking Knits book I want.Mom came over last night to get the gallery glass house and she was very impressed. I took pictures, but they are still on the camera. After Christmas I’ll have my new computer (if Santa is nice to me) and hopefully a compact flash card drive so it will be super easy to get pictures up.After mom left, I worked for an hour on the DNA scarf. I had to unknit two rows since I didn’t do the same M1 as earier and had a big hole next to the cable. I then proceeded to knit about twelve rows, so I’m at row 30 now. Seven more row and I start my second repeat. I have six repeats total. Hopefully once I get through the first one, it will go faster. My trusty HP28S says I’m 14% done.Tonight I’m headed to a friends for our weekly X’s night. Granted tonight I’m going to do K’s and P’s instead of X’s. I’m also going to frame the Dragon Dreams’ freebie Coffee is Magic that I stitched for my SIL.

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