Okay, I have my new

December 13, 2003 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Okay, I have my new

Okay, I have my new panorama up, nice huh? That is the view of my backyard. I have the entire blog shifted down 70 pixels to made room for the ad up top… Nothing is free, gotta live with the ad unless I want to pay more for either the pro service or get my own server. I’ll have to think about this some more in the next couple of months.Now, crafty things… what are my interests? Well, in the past couple of months my crafts and hobbies have consisted of cross stitch, knitting, gallery glass and music.I just finished a petit point of Monet, Claude: Houses of Parliament, London, Sun Breaking Through the Fog. It is called Monet Impressions and was in the January 2003 No. 87 issue of Cross Stitch Collection. This is a Christmas present for my mom. I’m also working on other Christmas presents which I’m going to remain hush hush about until after the holiday season. The frame for Monet arrived on Thursday and I framed it up yesterday. As soon as I get the pictures off my camera I’ll put one up. Currently my camera will only talk to my DH’s PC but soon, very soon, my brand spanking new Dell will be here and I’ll be much faster as getting pictures!Music. I play the oboe in the Loudoun Symphonic Winds. I’m second oboe (out of two). It is a community band that anyone can join. I just joined in March of this year. I’ve played at home every now and then but I haven’t been in a band since high school. But that is one of the things I wanted to do with my life, join a community band. When I set that goal I didn’t realize how easy that would actually be. I was figuring there would be tryouts and stuff. All that was required for this band was that I show up and fill out a little form. Our next concert is tomorrow. It is a Christmas Toys for Tots concert. I bought my toys last week, a cute little reindeer that was on sale at Michael’s.Next task for the blog… comments and titles for posts.

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