Sheep and Wool Festival

May 4, 2009 on 3:19 pm | In Knitting | 1 Comment

On Saturday, Shalini and I went to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival.  This was my third time I think (but I missed the last two years) and her first.  We got there just after it opened (9:15 because 20 minute line into the parking lot).   My plan of attack was to go straight to the Main building and then work our way back to the entrance.  It seemed to do well, we were out of there by 2pm.  I had a list of things I wanted to get and I stuck pretty well to that list.  I’ll take some pictures tonight, but here is listing with links to the manufacturer/vendor sites where I can find them:

And in exciting work related news, iPods are no longer banned on campus!  The security policy that banned them came out in Feb about a week or two after I bought my brand new iPod Touch.

[editted to add photo]

1 Comment

  1. Pretty nice haul. I can’t remember you buying the fiber. How did I miss that??

    Comment by Shalini — May 5, 2009 #

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