I have photos!
March 18, 2009 on 11:41 am | In Henry, Knitting | 1 CommentI’m trying to work out the best way to upload photos using my new iPod Touch… oh didn’t I mention that I bought one last month? tee hee tee hee. I love my little gizmo and I think Scott might even be jealous.
Right now I’m uploading to Flickr because I haven’t gotten the email upload into my Gallery working quite yet. I’m still looking for a way to crop and rotate on my iPod after I load pictures onto it.
But here you go a whole bunch of photos…
Super Henry wearing his Super PJs at a hotel in Ellsworth, KS. I bought these at the Walmart in Coffeyville, KS because he leaked through the one pair we had brought with us our first night there. Sigh…
Now on to the knitting. First up will be some new stash. These are the Feb (America the Beautiful) and March (Mississippi Mud) Transitions Sock of the month Club Fillet of Soles from The Painted Tiger.
Next up are socks in progress. While in KS, I finished up the first sock of my second pair of Monkey’s and started the second sock. These are knit in Trekking XXL color 136.
I’m also working on my first pair of 2-at-a-time socks, mainly so I can use that while knitting up the Painted Tiger sock blanks shown above. This is mostly Tangled in Blue(Rav link) in Knit Pick’s new Felici color, Putty.
And while I was taking pictures I got a shot of the front of Scott’s Zip Neck Pullover that I’m knitting for him.
And if you can’t tell I love the Knit Pick Harmonys. The Monkey socks are being knit using the Harmony DPNs, the 2-at-a-time are using fixed Harmony circulars, and the Zip Neck Pullover is on my Harmony Options.
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Henry is a cutie in those PJs! All of your knitting projects look great. I took out a couple of knitting books from the library to browse through…
Comment by Christine S — March 18, 2009 #