I’m back!

October 25, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on I’m back!

I had the day from… err it was very busy last Wednesday. I got to work about 6am to help start a test. The plan was then for me to come back to my office about 9 am to work and then I’d leave about 3pm. I didn’t get to office until 2:30! And I didn’t make it out of here until close to 4. And forget even having a lunch break. But I did get out of here and picked up Sue and headed up to Hershey. By the time we got to Dillsburg, I was yawning almost every breath, so we stopped for gas and switched drivers.

Thursday morning, I showed up at the Fantasy Crafts booth just before 9 (when the market opened). I was only going to pick up my badge and figure out when they needed help. There was no badge and they were desperate for help. They weren’t fully set up and the market was to open in just a couple of minutes. So, I put my stuff down and helped. Sue came by about 11 and said, “You never came back!”.

Working in the booth I got to meet lots of people and I introduced a bunch of people to designs they didn’t know about. (I’m so evil!). On Friday, I helped Letha with her Make It Take It, a felted baby dragon. That made me happy, since the little dragon was so cute, but I had signed up to help in the booth while she was gone. But at the last minute she dragged me over to be her assistant.

I got almost every thing on my wish list. I have just one leaflet that I didn’t find. But I hear that AC Moore now has it. So, what did I buy? I got…

Chatelaine’s Mini Mandala Gardens 1-3 and most of the speciality supplies for it.
TW’s Christmas Book
Linda Driskell’s Lily’s Maltese Cross Ornament
X’s and Oh’s Breath of Color (she was the emergency guest designer at the booth since Teresa couldn’t make it)
Illusions (Fanta Cat) Thief
Dette’s Boxes and Borders
Vickey Brickle-Macky’s Walk Me… Please?
Vickey Brickle-Macky’s Five Dragons
A drop spindle from Fox Den Fiber Arts
A 50 silk/50 wool batt (about 1 oz) of Tigerlily
3 pieces of fabric from Pictures this Plus (one is for Dracolair’s Phoenix)
4 skeins of Dinky Dyes
A sit-on-it stand from Gripit

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